Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Lone Pine Club to Malcolm Saville Society

Malcolm Saville wished to feel close to his readers and encouraged them to write to him. Most had a personal reply, often quite long, so this must have taken some time. He established a centralised Lone Pine Club, with badges and other paraphanalia, later replacing this by encouraging local groups. This was undoubtedly a marketing ploy, since letter would generally include pleas to buy books, not just read them - authors have to live, you know. Reproductions of his newsheets are now available. The Malcolm Saville Society was formed in the 1990s, and it is no surprise that many members were once Lone Pine Club members.

The society promote walking trips to Saville locations, publish a magazine/journal called Acksherley!, and organise an annual Gathering in April. Their website is at www.witchend.com. MSS recently received its 1000th membership application.

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